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The Power of Thoughts, what a human mind is capable of

Assalam u Alaikum,
I have been off the typing board for a while now, coming home and turning back to my mini library I  picked up a random cover 'think and grow rich' by Napoleon Hill and reading the first ten pages stirred in me a desire to write something.
These ideas have been nudging me for a while now and in order to streamline them I had to write it all down. So, here goes.
Have you ever wondered why learning is so easy when we are kids? e.g if someone asks you to learn Chinese at the age of 24 or to learn to swim or skate, it will be pretty hard. But if you teach a kid of say 2-3 years old, any language of the world or any skill whatsoever he/she will master it in a given time. Why is it so? The capability of an average human mind and body increases till the age of 32-33 so we can rule that out. If one says its because the mind is blank and accepts everything easily so it have been proved by scientists otherwise as well.
Marathon and cross country athletes do not run by stamina alone, they take a lot of help from their minds. Only by thinking one can do miracles. "anything the mind can think, can be achieved" is what I believe in.
We the humans are capable of doing wonders. Take the pyramids for example, at this age and era we believe it nothing short of a miracle but in fact they were made by our own species. Our brain is in fact a miracle, a machine capable of thinking, memorizing, imagination, creativity, adaptability and God knows what else.
A question arises. Why some can and others can't? In my personal opinion it depends upon belief. Idea is a powerful thing but believing in yourself and not giving up are the basic catalysts which are required for the reaction to take place.
Another reason which determines what we achieve and how we believe lies in our surroundings. Like every machine our brain also works on the principle of input, processing and output. But there is a glitch that we always misunderstand. We think that we can control our thoughts, emotions and actions. Alas! its not true, we can only control the inputs that we get from our sensory organs but once its inside then it is something out of our control. Our brains (efficient machines that they are) automatically processes it and at some given time its output is shown. Which refers to the actions that we then categorize as impulses.
The inputs we take from our sensory organs plays a vital role in our thinking process. So how can you expect good, when all you see, hear and study is bad? As the proverb goes 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. Next time you plan to achieve a goal, make a list of inputs and follow them religiously. Its easy to get side tracked (because of the garbage that is out there) but you have to block everything else and focus on your list. I urge everyone that in order to get goodness you have to filter your inputs, only then can you be able to think and do good.
Another aspect that plays a vital role in our lives is meditation, which acts as a helping agent in boosting up the process. It increases the strength of body and mind significantly. Meditation not only does that but also connects us to our Creator. And this connection is the key to understanding the laws that governs our universe. So, meditate (pray five times a day) and connect with Allah. Meditation helps us in ways that are not easily contemplated by our primary senses and its results are often delayed but life long.
Till next time.
A make shift school on way to ArangKel, Kashmir


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